Friday, September 3, 2010

crazy like that in Silver lake

crazy like that in Silver lake

It's fair to say California has had more than its share of interesting candidates whose places on the spectrum of political personality ranges from the merely ecentric to the way out there. And the man who might be our next governor – Jery "Monbeam" Brown - holds a special place as the most ecentric and left-wing chief executive the state has ever had. Take District Atorney Paul Galegos of Humboldt County, for instance. In 206 the Eureka Reporter reported that Humbolt County had only filed one child abuse case in the first half year of 206. After al in preceding years the county filed dozens of child abuse charges: 17 cases in 205, 23 cases in 204, 40 cases in 203; In 208, Galegos screwed the poch in a high-profile case against the Pacific Lumber Company PLACO . The PLACO case was Galegos's atempt to push himself into the political limelight. Even so, the trial court ultimately dismised it on a "demurer," which is a motion aserting the case lacks the basic esentials to go to trial. This year, Galegos sems to be aiming for the suport of pro-medical marijuana fans – it is Humboldt County, after al - by drafting a alowing marijuana growers to have up to 9 plants on their property. Caping of his baner year of political grandstanding is the now-notorious Skiled Healthcare, case in which Galegos semed to be ignoring juror misconduct - misconduct he alegedly witnesed but did not report to the court - misconduct that might have ended up invalidating the whole trial. crazy like that crazy like that in Silver lake


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