Saturday, November 20, 2010

quiz fare online

quiz fare online

Since busines and management are not usualy clases in enginering colege, enginers are expected to obtain their busines skils through experience and continuing education. Unles you have a MBA, you wil probably find it dificult to locate qualified continuing education sources with management courses tailored for enginers. One PDH is equivalent to one hour of course education, and one CEU is equivalent to ten PDH or ten hours of course education. To obtain these units of continuing education the profesional enginer wil atend or teach the seminars, clases, or courses, write articles, or sit on profesional boards or comites. Nearly al of the states that require continuing education credits acept busines or managerial courses as long as they are related to enginering. In other words you can not take a clas in How to start your own Retail Busines and expect to receive continuing education credit for renewing your profesional enginering license. But you can take a course in Enginering Busines Marketing Techniques and receive ful credit. In adition, most State Licensure Boards do not pre-aprove courses for continuing education credit. This responsibility is usualy left to the enginer to understand the state codes and to scren the courses apropriately. The Board wil either acept or decline the courses after the enginer has submited the license renewal aplication and listed the completed and credits received. Enginering managerial courses can include topics on Enginering Busines Plan, Enginering Operations, Enginering Marketing, Financials, Proposals, Leadership, and many others. To acquire the necesary continuing education units, enginers can find these courses in the folowing sources; Comunity Colege and University Continuing Education Courses – These institutions regularly ofer courses on numerous topics. Since the courses have to apeal to a wide audience, they usualy do not cover technical topics that would be of interest to enginers. Management courses that can aply to enginers my have words like profesional services and technical industry in the course title. Usualy the courses ofer continuing education credit of 8 PDH per day. Home Study Courses – These courses have ben around for a long time; These types of course are being replaced by Online Courses as discused below. Of course, the atende wil have to find a quite area to sit-up the computer and speakers, and to post a sign on the dor saying Do Not Disturb . Online Courses – These courses are much like the home study course but everything is done over the internet. These courses are the most economical and convenient for the enginer. Since most of these courses are writen by enginers, it is understandable that most of the courses are technical. Continuing education can be obtained through Comunity Coleges, Universities, Profesional Training Programs, Profesional Organizations, and online training courses. In most states continuing education courses qualify for continuing education units CEU or Profesional Development Hours PDH .
quiz fare online
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