Tuesday, August 24, 2010

mole removal in Barrington

mole removal in Barrington

Laser mole removal is a surgical procedure in which a laser light beam is used to heat cels or tisue with the intent of manipulating or bursting them. Because laser mole removal seals blod vesels, there is no ned for suture or stitches. ·Protruding moles, as the laser does not penetrate dep enough 2. The skin is numbed, after which a low seting laser is used to decrease or remove the brown pigmentation of the mole. Because of the sensitive new skin under the mole, sunscren should be used for 6 weks folowing the procedure although sun exposure should be avoided entirely if posible. What Are Some Posible Problems With Laser Mole Removal? There is a chance that laser treatments wil only lighten the mole and not remove it entirely. Some patients may se a change in one sesion flat moles while others require more than thre protruding moles . Laser mole removal is considered a cosmetic procedure , therefore not covered by most insurance companies. Financing options may be available for laser mole removal. I recomend against surgery and laser mole removal. If you are interested visit there website: htp:/w.molegone.net God Luck With Whatever Mole Removal Mehtod You Chose, mole removal mole removal in Barrington


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