Monday, August 23, 2010

can you remove your own moles in Carson

can you remove your own moles in Carson

Do you have any idea of what a wart is? If we have time we can go on researching about warts for us to be able to be aware of geting rid of warts. Warts are comon, and are caused by a viral infection, specificaly by the human papiloma virus HPV and are contagious when in contact with the skin of an infected person. It is important that you watch what you eat for you to be able to stay healthy, that could also triger multiplication of these warts. The high acidity of Vitamin C wil aide in eliminating your wart as wel as helping to fight of the HPV. We also have to make sure that we folow proper procedures of what we do to get rid of the warts that we have. can you remove your own moles can you remove your own moles in Carson


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