Friday, September 3, 2010

gis web services in Hermosa beach

gis web services in Hermosa beach

Emergency management is a dynamic proces. Emergency preparednes for disaster management is the proces of preparing, mitigating, responding, and recovering from any emergency situation. Individuals and organizations responsible for emergency management use diferent tols to save lives reduce human sufering and preserve economic asets before, during and after any catastrophic event. But nowadays, corect and timely information is a critical part of any sucesful emergency management program. The unique tol for emergency purpose is a web enabled Geographic Information System GIS , which could provide acurate and timely information. An emergency becomes a disaster when it exceds the capability of the local resources to manage it. or leads to cal for international asistance." Disaster also involves humanitarian emergency, humanitarian actions, mas casualities etc. As such, large-scale high magnitude – low frequency disasters wil continue to overwhelm local disaster managers, prohibiting efective management, particularly during the response phase. In today's information technology disaster management rely on IT tols such as GIS, electronic mail, document sharing, web and database aces. Henceforth, GIS integrated with IT presents significant oportunities to greatly improve the efectivenes of emergency management. Integrating these technologies in an online, GIS based SDS has the potential to increase the use and acesibility of spatial data, as wel as the acuracy and eficiency of decision making, thereby improving the efectivenes of disaster response. Hence for emergency preparednes and disaster management, GIS domains such as ArcGIS, ArcIMS, SQL Server and ASP were integrated and explored. Modules pertaining to emergency management were also developed by integrating the knowledge of experts, managers, programers and developers, web enabled GIS techniques were used to manage nuclear, chemical, natural and many other disasters. These web enabled GIS based aplications provides salient features for hazard alert, emergency response, emergency management, leverage investment, facilitates emergency alerts, periodic situational updates, comunity notifications, service disruptions, interagency cordination, e-Government solution and so forth. GIS system integrates ArcGIS, ArcIMS, SQL Server and ASP domain networks to form a web-based emergency preparednes / management system. The tols available in the webGIS aplications and its features towards emergency management are formulated similarly. Emergencies declared for nuclear power plant are defined in terms of notification of unusual event, alert, site area emergency and general emergency. For adresing the above isues an emergency preparednes plan for nuclear power plant is developed using the recent scientific web enabled GIS technology. Citizens living in risk area can identify their emergency reception centers, driving directions, and emergency exits. Its major components includes end to end web-based solution, feature query, proximity analysis, emergency response plan module, evacuation routing module for public emergency, property query module, theme ad in and on/of module, bufer analysis etc. Considering the importance of emergency preparednes for these chemical disasters a webGIS tol Tier I Manager TM is developed. This is a user friendly comprehensive tol developed to streamline the proces of meting emergency planing and emergency response neds. It adreses the neds of first responders, emergency response planers, facility submiters, and state authorities. Planers can aces real-time information to create emergency response plans and cary out comprehensive oversight activities. When rapid response is necesary, first responders can map al chemical storage facilities and instantly retrieve other suplemental information like site plans while mobilizing toward the emergency site. This provides a comprehensive, cost-efective way to met regulatory requirements and provides emergency response information at the critical moment decision-making in no time. This Disaster Warning System is aimed to continuously alert the most geographicaly apropriate emergency response personel such as rescue, fire, police, and ambulance personel, to alow much quicker and more acurate first response eforts and further reduce disaster impacts on lives and property. It brings together the best in spech technology with the power of maping through GIS to provide Emergency Response Managers with the sped and flexibility to met even the most chalenging notification scenarios. It is developed using XML technology which provides an open standard that the Emergency Response comunity has ben seking. Its major components includes interactive maping, spech and text-to-spech recognition, voice recognition, real time critical responses from clients, real time GIS maping and multi-modal response, system interoperability and to comunicate by using the advantage of XML. Thus for nuclear, chemical and natural disaster webGIS based tols such as NuclearPlanerTM and ChemicalResponderTM wil be very useful for emergency preparednes and disaster management practice. The paper also reveals that the web enabled GIS technology has got its unique potential for emergency preparednes management. These web enabled tols curently serve as a national and international aplication tols for emergency preparednes and disaster management. The recent scientific tol, Disaster Warning System developed in webGIS environment is also in upgradation for proposing an efective disaster management plan in near future. gis web services gis web services in Hermosa beach


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