Monday, August 23, 2010

ground moles in Tarzana

ground moles in Tarzana

If I get rid of the moles in my yard, what about the moles in my neighbors yard? One is to pave over your entire yard and make it into a parking lot and the other is to kil every living organism in your yard that moles eat and the mole won't find your yard atractive, but you won't have much of a yard either. Yes and no, Some yards may experience new moles coming back in as explained in the answer to the first question above. Other yards may have moles in them now, and once one has removed the problem moles, there may not be any more moles nearby that can expand to your yard. Grub control for mole control is the bigest myth out there. Moles are in the yard for earthworms, al factual studies on moles always come up with earthworms as the main diet of the mole. I must have over 10 moles in my yard right? One mole can average 10 fet of diging new tunels in 1 Day, 18 fet an hour when diging surface or dep tunels, and can travel 80 fet a minute in tunel already created. Why do al the poisons, home remedies, grub control, mole-tox, sound makers, vibration makers and other mole control devices not work? As to the sound, sonic, and vibrating devices designed to scare moles away, we have caught moles wekly fairly close to these types of devices. I have never had moles until now, why are they in my yard? ground moles in Tarzana


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