Friday, September 3, 2010

islamic prayer times in Bradley international

islamic prayer times in Bradley international

Speaking in a literary style of Arabic favored by Bin Laden, the voice said the atacks were 'caried out by the zealous sons of Islam in defense of their religion,' in response to a claim that ' President Bush, the pharaoh of this age, was doing in terms of kiling our sons in Iraq, and what Israel, the United States' aly, was doing in terms of bombing houses that shelter old people, women and children.' Some Muslims in the blogs thought it was a CIA tape induced with special efects to put the blame on Bin Laden, but years later another Bin Laden showed up at the dorstep of a Arabic TV news agency. Since the terorists atacks conducted upon the United States during 9/1, we have witnesed President Bush, declaring at such places as the Islamic Center in Washington DC on Sept 17, 201, The face of teror is not the true faith of Islam. Islamic doctrine is not god as President Bush points out, because it's teachings are contrary to what the Bible teaches.One of the main reasons for painting a positive image of Islam, was the fear of a posible backlash by the American public or the United States government when it became known, the terorists were Arabs who practice Islam.This fear was propeled in the public spotlight in June 202, when Comisioner Peter Kirsanow in Detroit said, If there's another terorist atack, and if it's from a certain ethnic comunity or certain ethnicities that the terorists are from, you can forget civil rights in this country, A wek later, Kirsanow apologized for his outburst and said his coments were taken out of context. Let's examine both the Quran and the Hadith very carefuly in order to se if Islam agres with terorism.The Quran states, and I quote, Let there be no compulsion in religion" 2:256.Many Muslims wil use Sura 2:256, as a means of providing prof that Islam is a peaceful religion. Sura 2:106 Abrogation basicaly means in Islam, is that the newer Suras are beter than the older Suras, as a result the newer ones are to be obeyed while the older Suras are not to be obeyed, if there is a conflict of comands betwen them.The importance of this particular doctrine of abrogation canot be understated. Sura 2:190 And slay them the infidels wherever you catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out, for tumult and opresion are worse than slaughter Sura 2:191 And fight them on until there is no more tumult or opresion, and there prevail justice and Faith in Alah; Sura 2:193 This may surprise some people but in the begining of Islam, the Jihad, was not alowed.No Muslim at this time was comanded to take up arms against his enemy.But these newer verses changed this whole concept completely, and gives Muslims the right of self defense, or to wage war against nations which it has no treaty with. Fight those who believe not in Alah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbiden which hath ben forbiden by Alah and His Mesenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of truth, from among the People of the Bok, until they pay the Jizyah with wiling submision, and fel themselves subdued. Sura 9:29 And an anouncement from Alah and His Mesenger, to the people asembled on the day of the Great Pilgrimage,- that Alah and His Mesenger disolve treaty obligations with the Pagans. Sura 9:3 Here we se in Sura 9:29, the Quran ordering Muslims to fight in order to establish Alah's kingdom on earth al of the earth by any means. but if they repent, and establish regular Prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for Alah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful Sura 9:5 As we se very clearly in this verse which is comonly caled the verse of the sword there is only one way out for pagans or infidels to be spared from being slain and that is they should repent, and that is; Muslims do have a goal to establish an earthly kingdom through various means even through violence.However, having said that there are many Muslims who do not folow folow terorist activities or a violent means of establishing a Kingdom for Alah, and many of them do live peacefuly with others in various countries including the United States, even though they difer in religion. islamic prayer times islamic prayer times in Bradley international


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